
Our 30 year legacy of success in advocacy and education


Recent Advocacy and Education Victories

In the 2022-23 fiscal year The Street Trust…

  • Grew the number of Oregon schoolsparticipating in our Walk and Roll to School events by250% – we are now up to 732 schools serving thousands of Oregon students.
  • Hosted ten community listening sessions across three counties elevating the voices of 105 houseless, BIPOC, youth, and
    immigrant participants to help reduce pedestrian fatalities and increase investments for people walking, rolling, and riding transit. 
  • Hosted 15 Oregon Friendly Driver’s classes, a 50% increase from the previous year, to promote safer driving habits during an epidemic of traffic deaths. This including one class for 120 driver’s ed instructors.
  • Provided leadership in 29 committees and coalitions across the region, including the Oregon Transportation Plan Policy Committee, where The Street Trust successfully advocated to include VMT per capita reduction in the next update to the Oregon Transportation Plan.  
  • Achieved a 30% increase in the number educational clinics (17) and a 50% increase in the number of community events (24) serving more than 450 community members, including classes on the rules of the road for cyclists, ebike safety classes, and rides that supported BIPOC, LGBTQIA2S+, Latine/a/o, and ADA community members.
  • Launched a program that will provide 90 ebikes to residents living on low incomes in communities across all three counties that make up the Portland metro region.
  • With funding from People For Bikes, we expanded our Biketown Ambassador program to connect more than 700 eligible Portland residents to Biketown’s discount program. Check out our Biketown Ambassadors 2023 Impact Report.

 Read more about our victories in 2022-23 in our Annual Impact Report!

Map Of Our In-The-Streets Advocacy In 2022-23


Three Decades of Wins For Our Transportation Future

Over the past 30 years, The Street Trust has led transportation advocacy in Oregon by…

  • Forming statewide and regional coalitions since 1994 to protect federal funding (“Pass the ISTEA Please,”) win sustained statewide investment in alternative transportation (HB2017), campaign for regional transportation investments in 2020 (“Getting There Together”) and fight for legislative expansion of alternative transportation funding (SB397 – Safe Streets for All
  • Co-founding in 2011 the Oregon Active Transportation Summit to bring together thousands of street users, advocates and policy-makers
  • Winning bike racks on all TriMet busses, defending and demanding bike lanes on major Metro Boulevards and adjacent to light rail lines, and winning City of Portland requirement of bike parking with all new development and all schools
  • Early and ongoing advocacy in the creation and funding of the Portland Bike Plan
  • Defending the state’s Bike Bill from ongoing threats to repeal and modify it
  • Reaching more than 5,000 children annually with multimodal safety education in 30 Oregon cities and 64 schools, funded by state and city governments who believe in our work
  • Receiving support from every purchase of a “Share the Road” license plate from Oregon Department of Transportation


The Street Trust is the only organization building advocacy power among street users of all modes from across the region, bringing together unlikely partnerships to break the political gridlock and save lives. We maintain low overhead, pay livable wages, and get the most out of our limited budget.

Financial Stewardship

Donations to the 501c3 nonprofit The Street Trust Community Fund are tax deductible. We take our responsibility to our funders very seriously, and work to demonstrate our impact to those who support our mission with donations, grants and contracts. Every gift to The Street Trust is the carbon-free fuel that drives our advocacy forward.

The Street Trust’s annual budget is approximately $1 million annually. Approximately 40% of our funding comes from Government Contracts with the Portland Bureau of Transportation, the Oregon Department of Transportation, and Metro. Individuals, special events, and private foundations each provide approximately 20% of our funding.

The Street Trust’s Annual 990 Tax Forms 









Recently Completed Independent Financial Audits